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NO PAINTINGS ARE COPYRIGHTED and they may be reproduced in any form on any media. If the author is mentioned I would be very grateful, but neither is obligatory

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017


He tratado de pintar el efecto Tyndall, que como se sabe se produce cuando la luz atraviesa una zona con polvo.
Hay dos formas de hacerlo( o varios miles más).
Una es pintar primero un lavado de fondo con pintura algo tintante y luego pintar encima con las pinturas normales. Finalmente arrastramos con el pincel o in papel lo que queremos dejar iluminado.
Lo que se pinto antes aparecerá ligeramente, gracias a que se usó pintura tintante.
La otra forma de hacerlo es pibtar ligeramente donde la luz golpea. Yo creo que es la forma más directa pero tal vez más complicada.
Las otrsa formas de hacerlo quedan para los lectores.

I tried to paint the Tyndall's effect, that as all people know, it's produced when the light cross throught an area with powder.
There is two ways to paint this( or posibly, a thousand more).
One is to paint first one wash with paint something staining, and then to paint over this with usual paints. Finally you can drag with a brush o paper what we want to leave with light. What we had painted before will appear slightly, thanks to the use of staining paint.
Other manner, is to paint slightly where the light is hitting. I think this is the most direct way to do that, but  maybe more complicated.

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